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Dreams, constricted but big,

Cost, inexpensive but deadly,

Demands,big but necessary,

Hopes,grateful but unnecessary,

Criticism,too much but required,

Oh dear ! shrewd life-

Could you be a little less rude.

Coming through are hands and feet,

Cuts low blows but who is to blame,

Comment, hate, love, repost, tweet,

And actually all of this God, is lame,

For the blood flows through ink,

As low, down as the mind is,

That’s how deep the words sink,

Unwantedness is the pass,the fees.

You will be falling into pieces,

But will you guarantee to break even,

How many hits, tries and misses,

When equal aren’t even the seasons,

And while it’s easy for you to be you,

And grounding for me to be me,

You think I would stand in the same queue,

As deadly as it is!

As I have replenished my wisdom,

I have catered to selflessness,

I will fall under the same sky as you,

But it will be a different haven,

I will be thinking of joy even if little,

While you will bethinking off being stable

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